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The Personal Access Display Device (PADD)
Star Treks
Next Generation
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Officially, the PADD was not seen until The Next Generation's first
episode "Encounter at Farpoint" in 1987. But there was a PADD like device about the size of a clipboard on the Original Series in 1966.
The Starfleet PADD Gallery
PADD used on T NG and was designated as a Science PADD.
Engineer's PADD also used on The Next Generation
This PADD was used on the movie Star Trek: First Contact
An alternate Engineer's PADD
PADD used on Star Trek: Voyager
A Borgified PADD from Star Trek: Voyager that might have been used
in the episode "Revulsion"
Another alternate PADD
Another ST: Voyager PADD
This PADD was used in the Voyager episode "Lifeline"
An alternate future PADD seen on the Voyager episode
"Endgame," which was the series finale episode
The dimensions are 3" x 4"
Another "Endgame" PADD. This one is a more accurate
representation than the one above. Notice how the PADD tapers in
more at the top.
This PADD was seen on several episodes of ST: Voyager
Its dimensions are 6" x 9"
Another Voyager PADD, same as the one to the left
This PADD may or may not have been used on ST: First Contact, but it
does have a graphic of the Enterprise-E.
Other PADDs
Bajoran PADD used on ST: Deep Space Nine
Ferengi PADD also used on ST: DS9
Klingon PADD that might have been seen on all three Star Trek series
Romulan PADD that was used on TNG, and DS9
Cardassian PADD used on DS9